sub domain

Discussion in 'General' started by Jonathan, Aug 12, 2006.

  1. Jonathan

    Jonathan New Member

  2. mimic

    mimic New Member

    Click on the site you created "hello.domain.ext", its probably located in the "Sites" folder. You should have a tab called "Co-Domains" in there. Click on that tab. Create a new record, leave Hostname empty, and put "hi.hello.domain.ext" in the Domain field. Check the Create DNS box. Press the save button and you're done.
  3. Jonathan

    Jonathan New Member

    thx, but there is a problem ...

    When I look in my browser, hi.hello.domain.ext = hello.domaine.ext ...

    There is the same page ... :(

    thx :)
  4. mimic

    mimic New Member

    I see what you're trying to do. You want hi.hello.domain.ext to be its own seperate site. In that case you just create a new site and call it hi.hello.domain.ext.
  5. Jonathan

    Jonathan New Member

    I have tried to do that, but it say : "IP divided" ...

    Sorry for my bad english :( I am french :)
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Create a new site:

    host: hi.hello
    domain: domain.ext

    Make sure you have an A-record for hi.hello in the authoritive nameserver for domain.ext pointing to your server IP.
  7. Jonathan

    Jonathan New Member

  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's in Vhosts_ispconfig.conf, and what's the output of

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