Hi plz add http before the link as its not allowing me to post links. I've used this video guide: //youtu.be/xNb72K46e30 1- I went to sites/subdomains and created a sub domain. see screenshot. snipboard.io/f8lztV.jpg 2- then i went to DNS and created A record, see here: //snipboard.io/dXy04B.jpg 3- I cant access the sub domain, see here: //snipboard.io/BMXhNs.jpg 4- then i tried another sub-domain: //snipboard.io/5HCvkV.jpg 5- Web browser gives me this error: //snipboard.io/rGHTuA.jpg I cant ping the sub domain address either... can you see anything wrong in the screenshots? tx!
Looks like your name service is not working. Use the Testing chapters of this tutorial to find more info: https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/setting-up-your-own-name-service-with-ispconfig/#nbsptesting