SubDirectories Versus Subdomains Which Is Better? How to Create them by ISPConfig?

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by tejas28, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. tejas28

    tejas28 New Member

    Earlier i had my home server set up on opensuse 13.2. I was managing it without any control panel by modifying files manually. Later on i started using 'monit' and liked it. Now I want to try ISPConfig control panel to create my website from scratch. I have few questions:
    (1)On opensuse 13.2 (without using ISPConfig) my directory structure was as below:
    Web root: /srv/www/htdocs: The index.html page inside htdocs was accessed by
    Moodle: /srv/www/htdocs/moodle Accessed in browser by
    Wordpress:srv/www/htdocs/wordpress Accessed in browser by
    ..........and so on for other PHP-MYSQL solutions put inside "htdocs"
    Here i faced one problem: My SSL certificate was for "" and browser was showing warning when a person typed URL -say- WOULD A WILD CARD SSL CERTIFICATE HAVE SOLVED THIS PROBLEM OR DO I HAVE TO BY DIFFERENT CERTIFICATES FOR "" , "", "" .......... and so on?

    (2) Now that i have successfully installed ISPConfig-after replacing OPENSUSE 13.2 by UBUNTU 14.02 LTS server- i want to try the sub domain approach i.e. I want my sites to be accessed by "" , "", ""... and so on. CAN SOMEONE GIVE STEP BY STEP METHOD TO DO THIS BY USING ISPConfig CONTROL PANEL? I think it is done by creating virtual hosts but i am not clear in that area. I also want to know if i have to purchase different SSL certificates for "" , "" , ""......etc or there is a way to use a single certificate for all?

    (3)Can someone suggest which out of (1) and (2) above is better for a single site on a home server? Any third better alternative is also welcome.
    Sorry for rather long post but i tried to give maximum details. Thanks in advance to all.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

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