I have a working domain mydomain.com. I want to have the subdomain demo.mydomain.com with a separate web root. I added demo.mydomain.com as a new site and uploaded files. I added demo as a CNAME record in the mydomain.com DNS zone. This did not work. I change it to an A record. This did not work either and the subdomain still does not resolve. What am I doing wrong?
Did you wait to let the dns record propagate? This may take 24 hours. You ca also check the nameservers directly if the subdomain is configured correctly with the dig command. Example: dig @ns1.mydomain.com demo.mydomain.com aor dig @ns2.mydomain.com demo.mydomain.com
Sorry, that should have said "did not set up nameservers properly". They still haven't set up nameservers but they did create wildcard domain pointed to the server. It's working now.