Hi, I have a problem with the nginx configuration of my subdomains since november. For example my domain is: domain.tld The subdomain is a folder in my domain: static.domain.tld is the same like domain.tld/static/ Host: static Domain: domain.tld Redirect Type: No flag Redirect Path: /static/ Don't add to Let's Ecrypt certifcate: NO Active: YES When I create this subdomain the nginx config is as follows: Code: if ($http_host = "static.domain.tld") { rewrite ^(?!/(static|stats|\.well-known/acme-challenge))/(.*)$ /static/$1 ; } But with this configuration my subomain does not work. When I try to access the subdomain following error occurs: direct access directory forbidden The correct configuration is to replace the $1 with $2 and everything works fine. I have to use custom configs for nginx_vhost.conf.master everytime to run my domains properly. There was a commit in november 2020 which changed the $2 to $1: nginx vhost: exclude let's encrypt from rewrites https://git.ispconfig.org/ispconfig/ispconfig3/-/commit/acfb1ace2b5ab9cd0e614e01651380d66bc68837 Old Code: Code: <tmpl_loop name="local_redirects"> if ($http_host <tmpl_var name='local_redirect_operator'> "<tmpl_var name='local_redirect_origin_domain'>") { rewrite ^<tmpl_var name='local_redirect_exclude'>(.*)$ <tmpl_var name='local_redirect_target'>$2 <tmpl_var name='local_redirect_type'>; } </tmpl_loop> New Code: Code: <tmpl_loop name="local_redirects"> if ($http_host <tmpl_var name='local_redirect_operator'> "<tmpl_var name='local_redirect_origin_domain'>") { rewrite ^<tmpl_var name='local_redirect_exclude'>(.*)$ <tmpl_var name='local_redirect_target'>$1 <tmpl_var name='local_redirect_type'>; } </tmpl_loop> I do not know why the part changed. I'm not sure if this is a bug or I configured it wrong. Maybe the error occurs because I use the automated ispconfig3 install: Code: cd /tmp; wget --no-check-certificate -O installer.tgz "https://github.com/servisys/ispconfig_setup/tarball/master"; tar zxvf installer.tgz; cd *ispconfig*; bash install.sh I would really appreciate it if you could tell me whats wrong. ISPConfig: 3.2.3 PHP: 7.3 nginx: 1.14.2 Linux: Debian 10.9 Best regards Wolfgang
I don't think this causes the problem, but this script is not maintained. Use the official autoinstaller instead: https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/ispconfig-3-autoinstaller.86078/ I think it should be $2, but I am not 100% sure. I'll try to find out
For a new server I used the official autoinstaller instead. Same problem. Does no one have the same issue with the subdomains?
We found the bug and it will be fixed in 3.2.5, which is scheduled to release tomorrow! https://git.ispconfig.org/ispconfig/ispconfig3/-/issues/6144