Hello, I have the following problem: Customer A create a website with example.com. Then customer B can create a website with a subdomain of another customer's domain, like sub.example.com. Is there a way to block this?
I thought you wanted to prevent that customers can add subdomains or domains owned by other customers? If yes, then that's the function to prevent this.
They can still add subdomains to existing websites and vhost subdomains themself. And, of course, you must block them from adding domains if you give them access to the panel. Otherwise, they could e.g. do things like adding gmail.com as an email domain in the mail module and fetch all outgoing emails to Gmail from other users, just to give an example. So anyone who provides hosting to third parties and gives them access to the panel and allows them to add websites, email domains, or DNS records must enable the domain module anyway.