I turned on suEXEC today, and tried the test script, test.pl in the cgi-bin directory. It returned 500 server errors. When I looked in /var/log/httpd/suexec.log I found: [2006-09-17 21:13:44]: directory is writable by others: (/var/www/web35/cgi-bin) [2006-09-17 21:13:40]: uid: (10074/richard1) gid: (10038/10038) cmd: test.pl ll of the ..../web38 dir gave drwxrwxr-x 2 richard1 web38 4096 Sep 17 21:17 cgi-bin By chmoding the cgi-bin from 0775 to 0755 the problem is solved, the script runs without error. The directory is owned by the user and group. I see that suEXEC will not run if the directory is owned by any other, but that is not the case. Surely someone has run into this. If I change the permissions on the cgi-bin will they stay at 755? Why are they 775 to begin with, does ispConfig have some reason for this? Thanks RDB
Yes, at least they won't be changed by ISPConfig. ISPConfig creates the cgi-bin directory with 755 permissions, not 775. Maybe you or some script accidentally changed it?
Thanks Falko, I appreciate your help. I think it was because we created some sites without CGI Scripts checked initially. I noticed one more problem with suexec. When I try to use pages that use FrontPage Extensions, I get errors as well, complaining that the directories are writeable by others. Is the a way to exclude .exe files from suexec in the httpd.conf? Richard
directory is writable by others: (/var/www/web/cgi-bin) I know this thread is way old but just for my own sanity in case I need to refer to it again there is also the web directory located at: Code: :/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web also needs to have its mod changed to 755