Suggestion Needed

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by ene33378, May 21, 2011.

  1. ene33378

    ene33378 New Member


    First of all, thank you very much for spending your precious time to write the article at The Perfect Server - Ubuntu 11.04 [ISPConfig 3] at the howtoforge website. I really appreciate it as it help me to setup a server for my client using that guide.

    But I have a couple of question

    1) Is there any guide that can help me to replace squirrel mail to roundcube?
    2) Is there anyway I can integrate a php accelerator into the existing configuration?
    3) Is there anyway to install webmin?
    4) Can apache be replace with any other server like nginx or making them coexist to improve site performance?
    5) Any guide to harden up my system?
  2. ene33378

    ene33378 New Member

    is there anyone available to provide some guides or article?
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, you can install eAccelerator, Xcache, or APC. I think Ubuntu also has packages for these (you can check on packages.ubuntu. com ).
    I don't recommend to use Webmin together with ISPConfig as both might interfere with each other.
    Right now, ISPConfig supports only Apache.
    I recommend to install fail2ban. There's also a chapter about this in the ISPConfig 3 Manual.

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