Support for danish charaters... ø, æ and å

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by findafriend, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. findafriend

    findafriend New Member


    Appreciated is possibility to use danish charaters in domain names... instead off IDN notation e.g. :


    becomes :

    Is there a solution on the way ?
  2. shoevring

    shoevring New Member


    This is not a part of ispconfig,

    æøå is transformed in the browser.

    New browsers do not change the url, but old need to change it to working.

    Just to your info.
  3. findafriend

    findafriend New Member

    As it is not possible to use æ, ø or å in ISPConfig when creating domain names, it is an issue.

    ISPConfig simply doesnt understand those letters
  4. ressel

    ressel Member

    Its not a problem, when you buy a domain containing one of following characters:
    æøå its not the "real" domain name, it just "translated" to a domain containing æøå.

    Etc. if you got the domain ø the real domain name is, and this is what you type into DK-hostmaster.

    Domænenavn: ø

    You can make this lookup on
  5. findafriend

    findafriend New Member

    Ressel read and learn. This has nothing to do with the actual problem, so please stop your spamming.

    FACT :
    It is not possible to use Æ,Ø and Å + æ,ø and å inside ISP Config.

    Solution :
    ISP Config should be able to handle danish domain names.

    Example :
    Not possible to log into the actual domain account using one of the above mentioned danish letters.

    As "normal" customers has difficulties to understanding the above mentioned translation.
  6. xaver

    xaver New Member

    Hi ponycode support is planed for 3.0.5 few in bugtracker the roadmap

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