Support for Ruby on Rails

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Taguapire, May 9, 2007.

  1. Taguapire

    Taguapire New Member


    Please include support for ruby on rails out of the box.


  2. poisen

    poisen New Member

    Ruby Request

    are there any news about including Ruby into ISPConfig? I am thinking that more and more people are wanting to be able to host Web 2.0 applications on their servers and having a ready-to-go Ruby supported Server, would just be awesome!

    I am just interested if there is anything planned yet.


  3. pendexgabo

    pendexgabo New Member

    Another vote for ruby & ( fastCGi | mongrel)

    actually a have installed RoR over ISPConfig with FastCGI but the problem is the restart when you need change some script, if I kill the fcgi pid I killing the all instances of them.


  4. domino

    domino New Member

    If this request ever makes it into production, i'm pretty sure I can get some donations from my clients that will use it. We are moving to RoR the next few months and I would to recommend ISPConfig.
  5. timbe

    timbe New Member

    Yet another hand raised for Rails support + mongrel clusters!
  6. heymrdj

    heymrdj Member

    Vote for RoR/fastCGI/Mongrel support. Then when I want to role out my projects all I have to do set up mysql or postgresl or both, depending on what's roling out. I'd love to have this, even if it's a separate ISPConfig project.
  7. marton

    marton New Member

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