Suse 10.3 Creating a Server Howto

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by jimw, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. jimw

    jimw New Member

    This post concerns trying to follow your howto on creating a server with 10.3.

    I have a home network consisting of a wired router and switch, which
    may have 3-4 machines at one time.

    My goal is to end up networking all the computers, and saw this as one
    way to move files back and forth.

    Naming the server: I don't have a web domain name. I am just a poor
    schlup who accesses the internet through a cable modem. I just made
    something up and put a .com on the end. Was is the correct way to fill that in?

    Assigning IP address. I can access the router and have identified the range of IP address the router has. I picked one and used it. However, doesn't the router need to be configured also?

    Also, I am confused with what a "name server" is and where you got
    your numbers from. Do I need to enter anything here?

    After entering the information that I think is in the correct area,
    the machine can not find the internet. (and yes, we do have the
    machine connected, we know, we checked it several times)

    Thank you for taking the time to try and educate knuckleheads like me.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can make something up, e.g. yourdomain.local, or use a address.

    If you have internet access, it is configured already.

    You can use the ones from the tutorial or the ones that your ISP gave you. Your router status page most probably shows some DNS servers that you can use.

    What network details did you enter? What's the information from your router (local network, gateway)?

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