Hi, I followed the tutorial posted here http://www.howtoforge.com/virtual_postfix_mysql_quota_courier but unfortunately when i build courier-imap i cant make it to build authdaemond.mysql I downloaded the latest version of courier and courier lib: courier-imap-4.0.6 courier-authlib-0.58 please help cause i am pulling my hairs out. the only one build is authdaemond.plain
First I have to say that the mentioned tutorial is for Debian Sarge, not SuSE (I haven't tested it on SuSE...). So you tried to compile courier-authlib.mysql from the sources? Why don't you run Code: yast and use yast's search function to find the appropriate SuSE package?
It's true that i am a recent user of suse, but from what i have read everywhere it doesnt come with a mysql authlib. and i did search on yast before trying to compile the library myself. can anybody else help?
But then I can't help you with this issue... You should really consider trying Debian, I like it much, much better than SuSE.