Hi, thanks for the reply to my email Falko. I have posted my question as you suggested. The main problem I am having is that apt won't update itself. The link in the sources list is.....rpm ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/ SuSE/9.3-i386 base update security It comes up with errors or just hangs like it is trying to connect to the server but can't. is there another link that will replace this one as I have been trying for days and the problem is the same. I will admit that this is my first venture into linux and servers, but I have already followed your how to once already, which is brilliant!! and everything worked first time. This is a re-install from scratch and now I have this problem which is frustrating, any help would be very much appreciated. cheers Tony Uk
What's in /etc/apt/sources.list, and what's the exact error message you're getting? It's possible that the repositories don't work anymore because SuSE 9.3 is pretty old.
fedora core 6 + ispconfig newbie help Hi Thanks for your response. I have sacked Suse 9.3 and gone for fedora core 6 with Ispconfig. I followed the how to install a LAMP server with fedora core 6 and everything is working fine at the moment and is much better. I hope you can give me some guidance as I am a total newbie to this ..sorry! The server is behind a router on the same as your tutorial and I am getting the Fedora test page up in the browser ok on this IP and via http://www.mydomain.com. I then create a new client in ispconfig and then add a new site (no resellers needed)...so I can ftp up my pages...is this correct? In the new site page it asks for the domain and then the IP address.. is the IP address I should put here the same for all sites I add (i.e or does each site have to be on a different IP address. If so how do i go about that? In the tutorial it mentions adding extra IP's but I wasn't sure if I needed any. I did get this far before but while using Ispconfig, Bind went off and i couldn't restart it, I couldn't fix the problem so I re-installed from scratch. I thought I might have done somethig wrong, so any advise at this stage would be very much appreciated. I have read the Ispconfig manual but it doesn't explain this part clearly. I realise its a steep learning curve for a newbie! Thanks again Tony.
Yes. Make sure you select your internal IP address in the website settings. It can be the same IP for all sites. Only if you need SSL encryption, you need a dedicated IP for every SSL enabled site.
just to say thanks Hi guys Just a quick line to say thanks for your help. Everything is working a treat! Cheers Tony.