Sers! A client requested his outgoing emails to be visible on all of their devices, not only on the one they sent it from. I have a client who uses a phone app to send mails - and a desktop client (Outlook or Thunderbird, I guess. Tendency towards Outlook.) - but outgoing mails are not synchronized between both clients. Is there a way to activate this with Dovecot/Postfix? Thanks, have a great day!
As far as I know, this is not related to the server, it's a question if the mail client stores the sent emails in the IMAP sent folder or in a local folder. If the mail client stores the sent mail into the IMAP sent folder, then they are visible on all devices. For example, I'm using Thunderbird email and Thunderbird has a setting where you can choose where sent emails get stored. And any other mail client should have a similar option.