Syncing of DNS and actions on two ispconfig boxs

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by chrisisearth, Mar 29, 2009.

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  1. chrisisearth

    chrisisearth New Member


    Im a using ispconfig 3 for a ns1 and ns2 for domains,

    but they will not sync,

    is there a method of syncing these (like an authenication or something)

    also I See there is a new module to make changes on one installation of ispconfig from another installation,

    how does this work and how is it configured as it will not allow me to make changes?

    for example my setup is this

    I want to be able to make changes from ns1 for a dns that will auto sync with ns2,

    I've dont this with bind in the past by never with mydns

    Your help is much appreicated


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please don't double-post.
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