System users, or virtual users

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by gfts, Dec 20, 2005.

  1. gfts

    gfts New Member


    From what i could understand from the forums, ISPConfig creates system users, and not virtual users, for websites hosted on the machine.

    My questions now are :

    1. Is is possible, that i have virtual users for each domains, thru ISPConfig.(i'm aware, that it might be implemented in ISPConfig 3, but is there a hack for the same for now ? )

    2. I would prefer using maildir instead of mbox for my mails.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No. It will be possible in ISPConfig 3.

    That's no problem at all. Install a POP3/IMAP daemon that uses Maildir (like Courier), and then enable Maildir under Management -> Server -> Settings -> Email.

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