Systemimager (rsync) doesn't copy all

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by comedit, Aug 26, 2006.

  1. comedit

    comedit New Member

    I have generated a systemimage just before i tested something.

    I need to restore the old situation and discovered that my /proc/ files were not put in the image.

    Not to worry i thought just rsync that part and you should be ok

    But no rsync gives errors on /poc/ files (see below).

    So I thought gunzip (through winscp) the lot and transfer to the image

    wrong again same problem

    any suggetions ?

    output from:

    rsync -avz -e ssh [email protected]:/proc/ /proc/

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You don't need to back up the /proc files. They are created by the system on the fly. So when you restore your system from your image, everything should be fine even without the /proc files. :)
  3. comedit

    comedit New Member


    Thanks Falco,

    That explains a lot ..

    The thing is that once the masterscript it loaded these problems come up.

    So the system does not restore itself because the script "hangs".

    I wil have a look in the restore masterscript which belongs to this image to see if I can detect what could be altererd (in this scipt or the image).
  4. comedit

    comedit New Member

    This is what happens

    ..... (up till hear it all works fine it finds the masterscript on the imageserver and gets it)

    I will now run the autoinstallscript : /scripts/backupserver.master

    get arch
    Logmsg: no such file or directory
    cat: /proc/diskstats: No such file or directory
    cat: /proc/diskstats: No such file or directory
    cat: /proc/diskstats: No such file or directory
    cat: /proc/diskstats: No such file or directory
    logmsg: No such file or directory
    logmsg: No such file or directory
    logmsg: No such file or directory
    logmsg: No such file or directory
    logmsg: No such file or directory
    logmsg: No such file or directory
    logmsg: No such file or directory
    logmsg: No such file or directory
    logmsg: No such file or directory

    logmsg: No such file or directory
    logmsg: No such file or directory
    Error: Could not stat device /dev/hda/ - No such file or directory.
    logmsg: No such file or directory
    Error: Could not stat device /dev/hda/ - No such file or directory.
    logmsg: No such file or directory
    Killing off all running processes.
    killall: udp-receiver: no process killed


    ... Then a message follows that it did not succeed bla bla

    FYI: this backupserver is software wise allmost similar to my webserver. It is debian sarge with ispconfig 2.2.6.

    I first made an image before I installed Mysql 5.0.24 ( a package which I wanted to test needed mysql 4.2 or above). Mysql 5 is installed but not working because of dependencies.

    So the machine still starts up but mysql is just not working ( and maybe there are some other problems I am not aware of)
    I will install the dependencies to see what happens then.

    Or somebody might have other sugggetions.

    Allthough I do wan't Systemimager to work since I think that's just Ideal !! (if it works)
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2006
  5. comedit

    comedit New Member

    Ooops what a web of problems

    One dependency leads to antother etcetera,

    I am entangled in multiple problems here;

    I just need to get my old system back ! :(

    Anybody any suggestions how I can still restore my system. (all is still accessable though. Replacing only the var usr an etc directories with the old ones is not enough i experienced myself ) I identified these directories in the tar of msql-server 5)

    For your info: I used the downloadable image from falko's site (see the how to create an image ... with systemimager) for the diskette and added the local.cfg

    Thanks in advance
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Why do you want to run the master script? All you have to do is to insert the autoinstall diskette into the system that you want to restore...
  7. comedit

    comedit New Member

    That' s what I have done

    Falko that is what I have done:

    I reboot with the auto installdiskette

    The message
    Is a message during the install (from the autoinstalldiskette)

    so the auto install starts the script and the comes up with:

    I might misunderstand you but it is exactly what I have done:

    reboot with the autoinstalldiskette: and that gives the errors
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Hm... Did you follow the SystemImager tutorial as close as possible?
    Which distribution do you use?
  9. comedit

    comedit New Member

    Yes i did


    If I remember well I followed it to the letter.

    The only thing I did have a problem with is that it would not work in the beginning.

    I read the forums,and found out that somebody solved it (also on debian sarge 3.1) by installing both the server and the client software on both the machines.

    I did the same and it solved the problem.

    The preparation of the client seemed to go fluenlty, allthough i think rsync did give a problem on some files.

    I am sorry I dont know it accurately because all is about one month ago

    Is there a certain logfile you know off I could still check in ?
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I'm not sure. I'd check all logs in /var/log.
  11. nicktsak

    nicktsak New Member

    maybe the solution to your problem..

    I had exactly the same problem with the boot disk , i was getting

    Error: Could not stat device /dev/hda/ - No such file or directory.

    the error is possibly an incompatibility in the system imager version.
    when I was trying to create the boot disk from my image server I was getting a floppy disk timeout so I downloaded the floppy image from the link that the tutorial contains. I burned that image and I added the local.cfg file taking into account the unix line feeds, but it did not work.
    Then I noticed that in the original tutorial falko was warning about the possible differences in versions of systemimager after 3.4. My version is 3.2.3-6 so i estimated that the downloaded image could be incompatible and tried the other way. in the image server i executed

    mkautoinstalldiskette -config /var/lib/systemimager/my-client.local.cfg -out-file my-client-restore-disk.img

    and then

    dd if=my-client-restore-disk.img of=/dev/fd0

    after the floppy was ready and my image-server was running, the system was restored without problem.

    I hope this works for you too.
  12. comedit

    comedit New Member

    Tanks for your reply


    I will check if this is the same issue I had (I am not sure if I can repeat the problem again).

    Because I think systemimager is a great solution

    thanks again

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