Technology News Tab

Discussion in 'Smalltalk' started by dipeshmehta, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. dipeshmehta

    dipeshmehta Member

    There are days passed the 'LXer' shifted to new tab, and 'News' tab introduced. Everyday I visit news tab with hope to see something new and interesting stuffs, but the tab is blank till now !!

    Hope it would be filled with news about lots of current affairs and issues.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The news are loaded with javascript from our partner websites, so maybe your browser does not show them if you block javascript.
  3. dipeshmehta

    dipeshmehta Member

    Thanks for a quick reply.

    I have checked my FF browser setting, javascript is enabled there. I have tried using IE and Chrome also. Unfortunately, none of the browsers display news stuff.

  4. dipeshmehta

    dipeshmehta Member

    Well, I found that my adblocker was blocking feeds from, I now have bypassed the same.

  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    You'd help us a lot by whitelisting HowtoForge in your adblocker because we depend on the ad revenues - without them, a project like HowtoForge wouldn't be possible.
  6. dipeshmehta

    dipeshmehta Member

    Whitelisting of do not show ads. Can you please give me list of domains I need to whitelist?


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