Temporary MTA failure on relaying, from MTA(smtp:[]:10027)

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Edow, Nov 24, 2016.

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  1. Edow

    Edow New Member

    I have a fresh server running CentOS 7.2 + ISPConfig (Tutorial : https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial...l-php-pureftpd-postfix-dovecot-and-ispconfig/)

    Recently got an error while sending/receiving an email with this message :
    EAC2471F7 522 Thu Nov 24 16:54:10 postmaster@[my_domain].com
    (host[] said: 451 4.3.0 id=31263-02 - Temporary MTA failure on relaying, from MTA(smtp:[]:10027): 451 4.3.0 Error: queue file write error (in reply to end of DATA command))

    I have surf this forum and try it on my own server but still don't solve this. Could somebody help? Thanks in advance

    regards, Edow
  2. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    Try restarting mail services (postfix and amavis). Check to make sure your disk isn't full, not mounted readonly or similar.
  3. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Check, that you don't have 2 amavisd.conf - files in 2 locations. From time to time there are some problems wiith centos as they changed the location for the amavis-config but did not remove the old file.
  4. Edow

    Edow New Member

    @Jesse Norell : Thanks for the suggestions, my disk is not full and how can I check my disk is readonly or others? (sorry for being noob) ;)

    @florian030 : which amavisd.conf should I remove?
    [root@svr ~]# locate amavisd.conf
    [root@svr ~]# systemctl status amavisd.service
    ● amavisd.service - Amavisd-new is an interface between MTA and content checkers.
      Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/amavisd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
      Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-11-30 05:34:07 UTC; 9h ago
      Docs: http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/#doc
      Process: 26003 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/amavisd -c /etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Main PID: 26195 (/usr/sbin/amavi)
      CGroup: /system.slice/amavisd.service
      ├─12405 /usr/sbin/amavisd (ch1-12405-01-53)
      ├─13160 /usr/sbin/amavisd (ch1-13160-01-3)
      └─26195 /usr/sbin/amavisd (master)
    Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is incomplete or unavailable.
  5. florian030

    florian030 Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Do you have a /etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user ? In this case rename /etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf and use reconfigure ispconfig (php -q update.php)
  6. Edow

    Edow New Member

    thanks for the update

    Sorry, there is no /etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user on my server, and actually /etc/amavis folder is not exist as well.
    Should I proceed to reconfigure ispconfig (php -q update.php) ?
    [root@svr ~]# locate 50-user
  7. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    It's probably not, as restarts didn't complain and you are getting logs written, I'm just throwing out things to check; amavis writes files to a temporary location while processing, and if it were read-only, it would certainly cause problems. You can check for readonly mounts in /proc/mounts, and some you may find are normal:
    awk '$4~/(^|,)ro($|,)/' /proc/mounts
  8. Edow

    Edow New Member

    thanks for the update

    I got this message
    [root@svr ~]# awk '$4~/(^|,)ro($|,)/' /proc/mounts
    tmpfs /sys/fs/cgroup tmpfs ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=755 0 0
  9. Masenu Msuya

    Masenu Msuya New Member

    sorry i have 50-user how do i rename
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please do not reopen such old threads, make a new thread instead and post an exact description of your issue incl. the relevant mail.log entries. You must have a 50-user file on an ISPConfig amavis setup, so do not rename or remove that.
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