Sorry to bother you again, but I had another question. I am trying to setup and installation of ispconfig 3 on Arch Linux x86_64. Is it a correct assumption that all the distribution specific files are located in ispconfig3install/install/dist/ directory or are there other files that are distribution specific? ------------------------ I already know the ispconfig3install/install/lib/install.lib.php has a script to determine which distribution it is being ran from... but besides this one is there anything else? --------------------------- Another addon: in ../dist/conf/arch.conf.php (which is a copied version of gentoo.conf.php) I have this PHP: $conf['apache']['php_ini_path_apache'] = '/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini';$conf['apache']['php_ini_path_cgi'] = '/etc/php5/cgi/php.ini'; On my Distribution I only have one php.ini in /etc/php/php.ini. Would it be ok for the apache php.ini and the cgi to be the same file or should I be creating seperate php.ini for them? on another side note the advertisement to the right is really annoying as it hides about the last 1/4 of the line I am typing. Don't know if it is just because I am on firefox on my linux distro or not, but I figured I should tell you if it isn't suppose to do that.
The basic config file and the override classes for the installer script are there. You most likely have to write a custom installer class and put it in the dist/lib folder. They can be the same.
I would like to report some redundancy in the dist/gentoo.lib.php Seems the code is defining the same array twice. Not a big deal, but I figured I would let you know. PHP: //* Website base settings $conf['web']['website_basedir'] = '/var/www'; $conf['web']['website_path'] = '/var/www/clients/client[client_id]/web[website_id]'; $conf['web']['website_symlinks'] = '/var/www/[website_domain]/:/var/www/clients/client[client_id]/[website_domain]/'; //* Apps base settings $conf['web']['apps_vhost_ip'] = '_default_'; $conf['web']['apps_vhost_port'] = '8081'; $conf['web']['apps_vhost_servername'] = ''; $conf['web']['apps_vhost_user'] = 'ispapps'; $conf['web']['apps_vhost_group'] = 'ispapps'; //* Fastcgi $conf['fastcgi']['fastcgi_phpini_path'] = '/etc/php/cgi-php5'; //TODO do fastcgi setup $conf['fastcgi']['fastcgi_starter_path'] = '/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/[system_user]/'; //* Website base settings $conf['web']['website_basedir'] = '/var/www'; $conf['web']['website_path'] = '/var/www/clients/client[client_id]/web[website_id]'; $conf['web']['website_symlinks'] = '/var/www/[website_domain]/:/var/www/clients/client[client_id]/[website_domain]/'; //* Apps base settings $conf['web']['apps_vhost_ip'] = '_default_'; $conf['web']['apps_vhost_port'] = '8081'; $conf['web']['apps_vhost_servername'] = ''; $conf['web']['apps_vhost_user'] = 'ispapps'; $conf['web']['apps_vhost_group'] = 'ispapps'; //* Fastcgi $conf['fastcgi']['fastcgi_phpini_path'] = '/etc/php5/cgi/'; $conf['fastcgi']['fastcgi_starter_path'] = '/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/[system_user]/';