The Perfect Desktop Xubuntu 13.04

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by szahrat, May 3, 2013.

  1. szahrat

    szahrat New Member

    In my previous thread, I requested for a The Perfect Desktop Knoppix guide to be added to howtoforge and also explained why many still love Knoppix. But Knoppix has one major disadvantage. The distribution upgrade system is very poor in Knoppix. If anyone wants a distro with a good distribution upgrade system while still enjoying the major advantages of Knoppix, I would suggest Xubuntu as a very close alternative.

    Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu 13.04 is already out, and The Perfect Desktop Ubuntu 13.04 guide has already been added to howtoforge. Now desperately waiting for The Perfect Desktop Xubuntu 13.04 guide to be added aswell.

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