The Perfect Server - OpenSUSE 11.2 - ISPConfig3 doesn't create anything

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by GoremanX, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. GoremanX

    GoremanX New Member

    I've successfully gone through the following howto, despite some errors in the material:

    Now everything is up and running, I can access the admin panel from everywhere, I can create resellers, I can create clients, so on, so forth. I get no error messages while performing any of these tasks.

    Except... nothing actually happens. It seems to work in the admin panel, but when I create a new site, nothing actually gets created anywhere in the filesystem. No directories get created, nothing exists. I *think* the new site is supposed to get created in /srv/www/clients by default, but there is no /srv/www/clients directory. The name of the site I created is but there's nothing named *fpz* anywhere on my filesystem, despite the fact that the admin panel says everything worked fine.

    I'm using ISPConfig on opensuse 11.2 32bit. The ispconfig log file is empty.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2010
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the output of
    crontab -l
    (run as root)?
  3. GoremanX

    GoremanX New Member

    Wow, I really wish these replies came sooner. Must be because we're on different sides of the globe. In the time it takes for me to get a reply, I get frustrated and give up, and I move on to something else. I've since moved on to Virtualmin on Debian 5.0, which was inadequate for my needs, and then I went with ISPConfig3 on Debian 5, which is now working perfectly (after I've fixed a couple of simple issues unrelated to ISPConfig3).

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