The Perfect Server: Ubuntu 8.04 Questions for Falko

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by artomason, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. artomason

    artomason New Member

    I'm no Linux expert by anymeans, in fact I've only really dottled around with it here and there forthe most part. Currently I'm attempting to setup a Web Server for virtualhosting using Ubuntu 8.04 LTS. I'm only running Apache, ProFTPD, PHP, MySQL,and Bind on a Dynamic IP Address (I have Ubuntu setup to connect to myrouter Static). Your guide covered just about everything I needed except some key points. Currently I'm using to resolve my domain to myserver sense my outside IP address is still Dynamic, thus I have installed a Dynamic Update Client provided by them to make sure that I can view webpages stored on my server even if my IP address changes. The current setup I haveat the moment as far as I can see will only allow me to use one domain if I'm pulling webpages out of /var/www this is great if I only wanted to host for myself, but what about providing webpages to other such as friends with there own domain? Now this is where the questions start. Might want to grab a cup of coffee.

    1.) Do I need Bind9 installed to setup Virtual Hosts successfully sense I'm using NO-IP to resolve my domain to the server?

    2.) How do I go about setting up Apache, ProFTPD, PHP, MySQL, and Bind (if needed) for Virtual Hosting?

    3.) How can I lock a user in there home directory when they login via FTP?

    4.) Is there anyway I can setup my server to provide Name Servers for individuals to point there domain to? (,

    I'm sure I could go on all night, but those are the main concerns that I have right now. Thanks in advance.

    **EDIT** Anyone know how to change the output screen resolution of the Terminal?
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2008
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) If you want to install ISPConfig, then yes. Otherwise no. But installing bind will speed up dns lookups on your server so it is recommended in any case even if you dont want to run your own domain names on it.

    2) Install ISPConfig as recommended in the tutorial and then proceed with this guide:

    3) This is already configured as part of the ftp setup in the guide.

    4) The easiest way is to install bind as described in the perfect setup and then install ISPConfig.
  3. artomason

    artomason New Member

    Thanks for the info, the only problem is I don't really want to install ISPConfig, I'm not looking to do anything major but providing a home for my friends would be appropriate.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The purpose of ISPConfig is to provide homepages, email and dns. If you dont want to use ispconfig, you will have to dig deeper into the apache documentation as you will have to write all config files and create users manually.

    But as you dont seem to be very familar with configuring linux servers manually, I relly recommend to use a control panel for it, even if you want to run just one website.

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