The Perfect Setup - CentOS 4.3 (64-bit) Questions

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Sammy, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. Sammy

    Sammy New Member

    Hello !

    I have tried to set up a server here at home just for testing it out.
    It will serve as my private test/web/file/mp3 server (I hope).
    Maybe set it up later so that a friend can access it from the outside.

    I followed The Perfect Setup - CentOS 4.3 (64-bit) (server-cd) tutorial (Great work!!!!)
    Didn't find any Centos 4.3 64-bits server-cd ISO's
    and no tutorial for v4.4 64-bit, but I guess this close-enough-mix will do.

    But right now I feel like a stupid nobody that doesn't even know what to do with his toy.
    Command line shell is just a little bit harder to get used to than I thought. But I will not give up.

    I will take my experience from the start.. Maybe to detailed, but anyhow..
    If You care to spend a few minutes I really will thank You!

    Almost everything worked fine.
    I have been able to figure out some trouble myselves,
    but all my other friends are WinOnly so I guess I have to use forums on the rest..


    mySQL seemed to install fine.
    However when I tried to check that networking was enabled it answered with:

    tcp 0 0 *:mysql *:* LISTEN 3996/mysql

    instead of
    tcp 0 0 *:mysql *:* LISTEN 2995/mysql

    that the tutorial said it would return..
    Don't know what the numbers are? port? - but I guess it's ok?


    When I tried to set up a password for the user root it typed exactly this:

    mysqladmin -u root password yellowcar2
    mysqladmin -h -u root password yellowcar2

    (Should I have substitued password with root-password? )

    Anyhow - the response was:

    Unknown command: yellowcar2
    You have mail in /var/spool/mail/root

    yellowcar2 - a command ?
    Well.. reading command line mail at 3AM - later also

    So I tried to run the:
    mysqladmin -u root password yellowcar2
    command again and every time I get this answer:

    mysqladmin: connect to server at localhost failed
    error: Access denied for user root @ localhost (using password: NO)

    However mySQL starts and stops normal if I try to start or stop it.
    I am also able to log into mySQL with: mysql -u root -p



    I am able to see the CentOS defalt webpage when surfing the server IP.

    One thing I don't get to work is to go to the user charlies webpage.
    does not exist
    does not exist

    Maybe CentOS does not create the user webspace and homefolder at same time ??

    If anyone would like to comment on any part of my install I would be happy.
    I am a real noob with linux, so please be gentle (but I am willing to learn)

    Best Regards
    Sammy :)
  2. Sammy

    Sammy New Member

    Yes! :)

    I found out how to give the user Charlie his own webfolder.

    Edited the httpd.conf file and changed
    UserDir disabled
    UserDir public_html


    Still not sure about my mySQL though..

    Sammy :)
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The number is the process ID. It most probably differs from the one in the tutorial, and that's ok. :)
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The number is the process ID. It most probably differs from the one in the tutorial, and that's ok. :)

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