I folow the perfect setup - fedora core 4 and when i try to Install apt For Fedora rpm -ivh http://ftp.freshrpms.net/pub/fedora/linux/extras/4/i386/apt-0.5.15cnc7-6.fc4.i386.rpm a get this [root@server1 ~]# rpm -ivh http://ftp.freshrpms.net/pub/fedora/linux/extras/4/i386/apt-0.5.15cnc7-6.fc4.i386.rpm Retrieving http://ftp.freshrpms.net/pub/fedora/linux/extras/4/i386/apt-0.5.15cnc7-6.fc4.i386.rpm error: open of <!DOCTYPE failed: No such file or directory error: open of HTML failed: No such file or directory error: open of PUBLIC failed: No such file or directory Thanx..
They seem to have removed apt from the repository... You can use yum instead of apt to install the packages. The syntax is the same: Code: yum install <package> When you install Postfix, replace the package imap with the package dovecot and enable Maildir later on in ISPConfig (have a look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_fedora_core_5_p5 , and you should understand).