The requested document type does not exist

Discussion in 'General' started by smartcall, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. smartcall

    smartcall New Member


    A client of mine whom I hepled install ISPConfig complained today that after a reboot of his server he gets the following error:

    The requested document type does not exist

    This is when trying to create a site, or edit a site. The sites are not accessible at all from the interface.
    On the other hand the sites work.
    The version is 2.2.18.

    I can't think of anything, because I have a server with 1900+ sites and all works perfect.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This error occurs e.g. when mysql was updated or the mysql database was converted from latin1 to utf8. Another possible reason is that the user used the formeditor and the form definition is broken now or the form definition has been deleted from the doctype database table.
  3. smartcall

    smartcall New Member

    Thanks, I will investigate.
  4. smartcall

    smartcall New Member

    Everything looks fine in the database. There is even a doctype_def for isp_web.
    But if I go to the Form Editor the ISP - Web form is empty.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, the the isp_web doctype is correupted. One solution will be to replace the row for isp_web in the doctype table with a row from another working ispconfig installation or from the sql dump that is in the ispconfig installer. What might work too is if you download the latest ispconfig version and update the current installation.
  6. smartcall

    smartcall New Member

    An upgrade did the trick, thanks!
  7. AlArenal

    AlArenal New Member

    I have the same problem here, although in German. ISPC's log says "12.07.2008 - 13:22:16 => DEBUG - Der angeforderte Dokumententyp existiert nicht" I upgraded the installation from 2.2.22 -> 2.2.24 but this had no effect.

    I cannot access resellers, customers and webs :(
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Have you updated your mysql installation or changed the mysql configuration from latin-1 to utf8?
  9. AlArenal

    AlArenal New Member

    The ISPC installation runs on a dedicated server for one single customer only. I haven't had to access it in quite a while. The box uses Debian Edge 64 Bit and is up-to-date. It may be, that in the meantime after ISPC 2.2.22 there has been a MySQL update but I can't tell for sure.

    Other than via apt-get update/upgrade there haven't been any changes to the databases. Currently there is 5.0.32-Debian_7etch5-log running with utf-8. PHPMyAdmin shows the database 'ispconfig' is utf8_general_ci.
  10. AlArenal

    AlArenal New Member

    Just today there's another MySQL update waiting for Debian Etch 64 Bit. I'm a bit reluctant to install it as I'm not sure whether it will have any negative side effects on my other ISPC installations as well....
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I'am installing all availbale debian updates on my servers and never had any problem with ISPConfig in the last 4 years.
  12. AlArenal

    AlArenal New Member

    Ok, thanks for the info, Till.

    But getting back to my initial problem, though we don't know what caused it, how am I supposed to get ISPC back to work? It seems that each and every content type is somehow broken..
  13. AlArenal

    AlArenal New Member

    I exported the whole database, did some search&replace (utf8 -> latin1), replaced the original ISPC database and replaced the doctypes table with one of another ISPC installation. That did the trick and I hope it remains this way ;)

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