Hello everyone. I developed this theme for my daily work because I like a cleaner look. I used: Twitter Bootstrap 3 jquery 1:11 Select2 I'm using a few days ago and I'm liking the result. Follow the project on bitbuckt link for those who want to download. Well please to leave my credits. Big hug. Screenshots
Hi andypl. I'm post in BitBucket. I can not post the link here on the forum. It appears this message Minimum Requirements The number of posts you have created must Exceed : 2 ( Yours: 2 ) The number of Likes you've received must Exceed : -1 ( Yours: 2 ) The Like: Post ratio must Exceed : -1 % ( Yours: 100%) The number of days you Have Been registered must Exceed : -1 ( Yours: 6)
Hi james-o. You need an ssh access from server. copy the theme folder to /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/themes/ After access to admin ISPConfig and alter theme. Thanks.
Hi james-o. You need an ssh access from server. copy the theme folder to /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/web/themes/ After access to admin ISPConfig and alter theme. Thanks.
Yes I just noticed a couple of days ago Thanks!! There are some small things (bugs?). The pulldown areas in lists like domains or email are to narrow (slect te amount of items per page for instance) but could not get it working. I also would like to see this as a responsive theme (benefit of bootstrap). Is there an easy way of pointing me in the correct direction making it responsive? Again thanks! looks much better then the default if you ask me.
https://bitbucket.org/miqueiasdesouza/ipsconfig3-theme-darkorange/downloads work perfect if you on the page press "download repository" then the download begin or use direct link here https://bitbucket.org/miqueiasdesouza/ipsconfig3-theme-darkorange/get/b403ece73b53.zip which also work perfect until the theme eventually get a update ;-)