Theory Question: Master - Master ISPconfig in shared filesystem

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by FalkoL, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. FalkoL

    FalkoL New Member

    Hello Tim & Falko, hope you guys doing well.

    I got a bit of a theory question.

    Would it be possible to run ISPconfig 3 as master to master system meaning multiple server but share the actual mysql db in a shared file system like glusterfs? Essentially have direct access to the storage to run mysql on socket then tcp/ip? Pretty much each server is a clone of another and share a common file system. Instead of creating new dbs for each added server?

    Could you then do the same with service server e.g web, mail, ftp as slaves?

    To round it up still possible to automate ISPconfig installation with bootstrap right?

    Thank you so much for you great work.
    Cheers Falko L.
  2. M.Meintjes

    M.Meintjes New Member

    Good afternoon
    I was looking for exactly the same thing. It's been quit a while back since FalkoL asked this question however its something I also would like to know.

    I've been looking to setup a hosted environment for my customers which only they get access to. I want to be able to install one Master Server and then add slaves as time passes. What I've done so far is setup this environment with the following guides:
    1. Setup base Server -->
    2. Configure Master Slave Setup -->
    The Whole environment will then be served with an Internet facing Load Balancer. The whole setup works fine with some minor problems.
    1. Slave Server Automation will be a huge task without a shared storage solution.
    2. Test Servers are running out of memory when running the clamav virus scanner. This can however be sorted out eventually when I upgrade my VPS with more RAM and CPU --> are there Hardware requirements for clamav? I think a 2 CPU with 4GB RAM should work?
    3. It seems as though the virus scanner runs none stop. Could it be related to problem 2?
    My Question is more or less which paths should I move to the network storage to completely server all servers from one storage point?
    My Goal is to serve the main services (Web, e-Mail, Let's Encrypt) from one storage point.

    Apache --> /var/www
    Let's Encrypt --> /etc/letsencrypt
    e-Mails --> /var/vmail

    Also, how would the installation look? Are there any configuration files I would have to change after installing with this guide:

    Thanks for your help.


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