There is already a CNAME Record entry for this host in this zone.

Discussion in 'General' started by woleium, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. woleium

    woleium New Member

    I'm trying to change a CNAME record to an A record, but after deleting the cname record i get "There is already a CNAME Record entry for this host in this zone." when trying to add the A record. I have checked the zone file & there is no CNAME in it, so i guess ispconfig has a record of it elsewhere...

    I have manually edited the zone file for the moment, but I wondered if any of you wonderfully experienced, and fantastically skilled people had any better (more elegant) ideas

    (I'm using the latest but one version)
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The cname record is in the recycle bin of the DNS manager. Please empty the recycle bin.

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