I think the <postmaster> should show an email address? (the email address of the server owner)? Is there a place where I can set this, and if so.. where ? Thank you..
Hmmm 1) I do not have the "bounce.cf.default", so I created one named temporary_file with this in it (as test): Code: # The failure template is used for undeliverable mail. failure_template = <<EOF Charset: us-ascii From: MAILER-DAEMON (Mail Delivery System) Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender Postmaster-Subject: Postmaster Copy: Undelivered Mail This is the $mail_name program at host $myhostname. I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below. For further assistance, please send mail to <postmaster> If you do so, please include this problem report. You can delete your own text from the attached returned message. The $mail_name program EOF 2) This is a no go.... I get this error: There is NO -b option ! Falko..... HELP PLS!
Please run Code: updatedb locate bounce.cf and post the output. Maybe something's different on your Postfix version. Instead of reading http://www.postfix.org/bounce.5.html, you can do Code: man 5 bounce
Hmm I've setup the server with your 'perfect_setup_fedora_core_4' this is what I get after updating the db (updatedb) Code: [root@host ~]# updatedb [root@host ~]# locate bounce.cf [root@host ~]# Looks like I do not have a bounce.cf! Still.. It does send the re: man 5 bounce Code: [root@host postfix]# man 5 bounce No entry for bounce in section 5 of the manual Running 'man 8 bounce' does show me the readme :/ I guess I need to read: http://www.postfix.org/bounce.8.html Noel
Hmmm I'm lost, or I'm missing something here.. There nothing that even looks close with the text in it..
Maybe you must install something like postfix-devel on your system? What's the output of Code: yum search postfix ?
Ok, there's no such package. You should download the Postfix source code from www.postfix.org and check if there's a bounce.cf.default in there.
Okay falko, I'll do so, but the message that is send to users must be somewhere on my my server, as it does send it! Is there no way of 'hard' coding the <postmaster> to an emailaddress in some file?
Okay.. Getting closer now.. This is in the post-install file: I guess they are talking about the /etc/aliases file. In this I have 5 times postmaster. I'm about 99% sure that I need to change the mailer-daiemon postmaster one... falko.. can you confirm this?
This has nothing to do with your bounce message problem. Did you search the Postfix sources for a bounce.cf.default file?
Yes.. I downloaded the source**, and did not find the "bounce.cf.default" in it. ** = http://gnu.kookel.org/ftp/postfix-ftp/official/postfix-2.2.9.tar.gz (and also the 2.2.2 version I have: http://gnu.kookel.org/ftp/postfix-ftp/official/postfix-2.2.2.tar.gz)
me feel stupid.... Thanks again for your help falko.. I hope that one day I can also help people the way you (and the rest of the Howtoforge team) do it. (that does not look like proper English to me) Noel