I've found a load of useful old topics on this forum, rather than *bump* old posts to say thanks, I thought a "rate this thread" would be nice
I'm no fan of ratings as this will be abused (see digg.com and their problem with comment ratings - usefull comments get rated down, and stupid comments get rated up...). Also, ratings might intimidate users to post because they might think that others don't like their posts or think the posts are stupid, etc.
fair enough, I seen "thank you" buttons on other forums, i.e. the thread isn't rated, but the poster gets positive feedback for contributing... would that be just as bad ?
Might be a nice feature, but I don't know if vBulletin supports this. Do you remember where you have seen this?
yeah, here .. but you can only see the "thanks" button once you've signed in. Looking at the page source this is a vbulletin too, so I guess it's a plugin/mod
The moneysaving board is als a vB 3.x hence it's either a public add-on (e.g. on vbulletin.org ) or then it's very likely a non-public add-on...
I've registered to see this button in action. I like it, but I can't find where to download this. I've searched vbulletin.com and vbulletin.org...