In the course of development a billing Module (merchandise) for ISPConfig, see the following thread, we want to publish the first by-product of development. akTicket, an extension of the help module is a support ticket system for supporting your customers through ISPConfig. The version 1.0 is available from now on at our agency server as download. Project site:
Schade dass Ihr es unter einer inkompatiblen OpenSource Lizenz (GPL) und nicht wie ISPConfig selbst unter BSD Lizenz verffentlicht habt.
Hallo Till, was heist denn das "inkompatible Lizenz" für uns als Enduser? Dürfen wir das Modul nicht nutzen oder wie?
Endusers may use gpl licensed software together with ispconnfig. The licensing issue is that a gpl software might not be shipped as part of ispconfig and may not be developed together with the other ispconfig modules in the ispconfig SVN repository. So this ticket system can not become integral part of ispconfig which is most likely what the original developers wanted as they had choosen an incompatible license instead of the BSD license which ispconfig uses.