Hi, I just wanted to share a minor change I made after having problems using the apache directive for sites in my ISPConfig. What I wanted to be able to do is add open_basedir rights to one site to be able to access files for another site. I added this in the apache directive textarea, but this didn't work though this is included directly into the beginning of the <Virtualhost>, which means that ISPConfig lateron overwrites this value with the standard open_basedir configuration. What I did was: In the file /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/vhost.conf.master I moved {HTTPD_INCLUDE} from the beginning of the <Virtualhost> to just before the <if module...> part. Now I can overwrite the settings ISPConfig sets directly thue the ISPConfig GUI. I don't really know how "dangerous" this is for other with potentionally more resellers/admins, but for me it's allright. Someone else here might know this better than me and might be able to reply on this thread? Cheers, Paul Peelen
I'd copy your customized /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/vhost.conf.master to the /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/customized_templates/ directory so that it won't be overwritten when you upgrade ISPConfig the next time.