OK, so I have now been battling with this system for some weeks, and I still cannot get it to do what I want in a manner I feel is normal. Heres what I am after. Web hosting. Mail hosting. No problems so far. Now I want customers who have there websites hosted on my server to be able to access there email via a webmail client (roundcude/squirrelmail). So I set things up as mentioned in articles found on howtoforge. That doesn't seem to be working for me. Problem: The way it is configured clients don't seem to get access to their email via their own site. IE. if there is a site www.mysite.com then the client should be able to access their email at webmail.mysite.com I also would like this to be setup automatically and not have to manually set it up every time a new site is setup. Please forgive me if I have this all wrong, but i don't have to many smarts when it comes to this sort of thing, and I have read so much stuff found on the Internet that my head is probably so full of irrelavent BS that it isn't helping. Simple instructions like; Install ISPconfig. Do this. Do that enjoy Are the best instructions. Any comments would be most helpfull. Regards Fred
Create a DNS A-Record for webmail.mysite.com pointing to the IP address of your server. Then create a new website with: hostname: webmail domain: mysite.com and install a webmail client of your choice into that site. e.g. roundcube as described here: http://www.howtoforge.com/roundcube_webmail_ispconfig