too many apache open processes

Discussion in 'General' started by chume, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. chume

    chume Member

    As a beginner with ISPconfig I encountered an odd behavior on a server I setup. This server has 2GB RAM and time and again apache will time out loading a web page.
    When I grepped httpd I found that too many apache processes are running. After I restart httpd, apache starts up with 10 processes and works like a charm.
    I have run apache since 2001 as a standalone and never encountered such a scenario.

    Please I need help to resolve this problem.
    Thank you.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which ispconfig version do you have installed?
  3. chume

    chume Member

    Thank you for the quick response Till.
    I installed version 3.0.3
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please check the apache error log for errors. How many requests per minute do you get approx?
  5. chume

    chume Member

    The only entry in the apache error log is below:

    Thank you Till
  6. chume

    chume Member

    Could the ProcessLifeTime of 7200 in each domain vhost configuration lead to this this kind of issue?
  7. chume

    chume Member

    After searching the Internet and tweaking several of the apache conf files, one solution seems to have helped so far.

    Changing the value of "DefaultMinClassProcessCount" to 0 terminates the lingering apache processes.

    Thank you
  8. chume

    chume Member

    My question is how to force ISPconfig to set DefaultMinClassProcessCount 3 to 0 when a vhost conf file is created.

    Thank you
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can change all vhost variables by editing the vhost master template file in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf/
  10. chume

    chume Member

    Thank you so much Till.
    I modified the vhost variable on vhost.conf.master file.
    After manually changing the vhost variables yesterday, the server is still holding up today.

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