Tracks configuration

Discussion in 'Technical' started by blazn, Jan 2, 2008.

  1. blazn

    blazn New Member

    I have had a Tracks box set up for sometime now using webrick as the server, but I was unable to use the e-mail part of it so I decided to try to configure it to use the Apache2 webserver. As I went through the config and got torwards the end there is a section that asks to "cp settings.yml.tmpl settings.yml", well I searched through all my folders and I can not locate that file. First question is do I really need it and second if I do where the heck is it? I am running Debian (Etch) the most current version of Tracks.
    I have been able to get the "It works" page to come up but nothing else.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Try to find it like this:
    locate settings.yml.tmpl 
  3. blazn

    blazn New Member


    Well I tried it and it just took me back to another command line.
    It acted like it was searching but with no results.
    hmmmm Kind of strange that the file was not included in the download.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Is it possible that the file is in the config/ directory?
  5. blazn

    blazn New Member


    No, I have looked in all the folders and used Debian's search function to try to locate it. This is becoming very frustrating. I even looked on the old hard drive that contains the original Tracks folders and still can't locate it.:confused:
    Is it actually necessary?
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you also search for settings.yml?

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