Traditional DNS Howto - NS record question

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by showe1966, Jan 2, 2007.

  1. showe1966

    showe1966 Member

    First all apologies for the dumb question- i know not a lot about mail servers and DNS.
    I have just one computer to assign a dns to.
    I read all about how I should have a backup name server in case the primary server goes down.
    So, what do I write in my zones file if I only have one server ?
    And, is it okay fro me to host my mail server using an mx record at the same ip address.
    my zones file currently looks like this.
    I think that the second NS entry is redundant but i don't know:-

    @ IN SOA root.localhost. (
    2007010205 ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
    28800 ; refresh, seconds
    7200 ; retry, seconds
    604800 ; expire, seconds
    86400 ) ; minimum, seconds
    NS ; Inet Address of name server 1
    NS ; Inet Address of name server 2

    MX 10;
    MX 20;
    ; A 88.456.123.46
    www A 88.456.123.46

    server1 A 88.456.123.46
    ns0 A 88.456.123.46

    ftp CNAME www.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Nothing. Just leave out .
    Yes, you can leave that out. Apart from that, the zone looks fine. :)
  3. showe1966

    showe1966 Member

    What to put in named.conf in the case of more than 1 dns

    Dear Falko,

    Thanks very much for your input.
    I have another question.
    Supposing I want to specify more than one secondary name server, just to make sure everything really stays working.

    In order to make sure only my specified name servers can transfer my zone from the primary name server, I guess I need to specify all the ips of my backup nameservers in my named.conf file.

    So , what is the format for muliple IPs ?
    is it:-

    allow-transfer { xx.yy.zz.aa;; };

    I don't fancy guessing, as I heard it's really easy to break BIND.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    That's right. :)

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