Traffic Quota

Discussion in 'General' started by zepx, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. zepx

    zepx New Member


    Can I know what is the purpose of traffic quota here, or is it just me that it's not working? Because, I saw a client who exceeded the traffic quota at Web Traffic (Using the latest ISPConfig), and yet there was nothing done to that particlar site.

    Attached Files:

  2. zepx

    zepx New Member

    Ok, I updated to ISPConfig and yet this feature is still not working. I could still access my site and yet no error was shown when bandwidth was ran out.

    I'm running on Ubuntu 9.10

    Last edited: Mar 26, 2010
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The feature is working fine. The quota is enforced once every night and if a site is over quota, it gest disabled.
  4. djtremors

    djtremors New Member


    is there a plan or feature to send nightly quota notifications? I haven't reached any limit yet to know and I guess I'd ask anyway :p
    Could possibly write a plugin if not, won't be too hard and add a little quota customisable template..etc.
  5. zepx

    zepx New Member

    I'm still waiting for the cron to work. We will see how it goes.
  6. djtremors

    djtremors New Member

    why wait....

  7. zepx

    zepx New Member

    Great it works! But.... if I need a custom index.html page when a site has been disabled I need to edit apache2.conf right?
  8. djtremors

    djtremors New Member

    To be honest, i haven't seen what happens when it get disabled and haven't got the lastest to even try it.
    I'm sure where there's a will, there's a hack.

    I'll try to update my version and see how it goes as currently i try settings the lock in the datbase and it unlocks it.. *shrugs*. Worst case, cat the vhost file for me and PM or something.
  9. zepx

    zepx New Member

    I can tell you what happens. It just disables the vhost completely, so if you don't do anything to the default page of /var/www once it's disabled you will get that page. I'm thinking of getting an error page or something.
  10. djtremors

    djtremors New Member

    *passes out*.. wtf.... lol

    how does this sound.

    1. we make the domain root have a root:root subdir called "web.disabled" which contains your customised template which could be generated on domain creation with your names etc. added..

    2. we change apaches vhost to change the DocumentRoot from "web" to "web.disabled" and reload.

    3. enjoy,relax....

    I think that sounds viable.. they can't ftp in and add links if it's root owned so they are limited.

    see any problem with that idea? I could hack something together but would be nice if ispc3 panel had an option of template or total disable of site.. ;) *hint hint Till*
  11. ivomendonca

    ivomendonca Banned

    Just create a default index.html for new or disabled sites.
    Like "If this domain is a new website please remove index.html and add your content if not please contact assistence your site as been disabled"
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats the correct way to handle this. The steps fro djtremors describes are not nescessary as you just have to add a _default_ vhost on your server to catch all the new and disabled sites.

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