triggered mail action

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by bartu, May 20, 2009.

  1. bartu

    bartu New Member

    Hi there,

    i'm planning using ISPConfig3 with postfix's 'sender_login_maps' feature. I use php script that gets mail aliases information and mail account information from ISPConfig's database. then it writes it to a file that postfix 'postmap' to .db format.
    It seems to work well, but since users will change their email aliases and create mailboxes i need to call the script every time aliases or mailbox are changed or deleted. Is there a way to do this in ISPConfig3. Now i use cron for it and that's not a perfect way

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can just write a new ispconfig plugin for this that binds itself to the mail_user insert, update and delete events. Take a look at the existing mail plugins to get an idea how the event system works. It is enough to write a new plugin and then set a symlink in the plugins-enabled directoyr to activate it.

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