Trouble Configuring Web Server - Help Please!

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by sword, Dec 25, 2007.

  1. sword

    sword New Member

    Hey, so I should start off by saying that I'm fairly new to both running a server, configuring the server, and the terms that are used to describe how the server is configured.

    Now, onto my problem. I've got a small computer that I, just yesterday, installed Fedora Core 8 Linux on. I also installed everything I feel I need in a server, which is the following:
    • Apache
    • MySql
    • PHP
    • Perl
    • vsFTPd

    A basic LAMP server with FTP and SSH access configuration. I have this computer connected to a D-Link DGL-4100 router. I have configured this router to forward ports 80, 23, and 21 directly to my linux box.

    My problem occurs when I try to access this would-be server. I can connect to the server from any computer that is on the router's network, however, whenever I try to connect from a non-LAN device the server always times out. From a LAN device I am able to connect to the server from both the server's LAN IP as well as my actual, ISP provided IP. Just a moment ago I have also setup the server to be DMZ on my router, but I still cannot connect to it from a non-LAN device.

    Any help would be wonderful! I'm hoping to set this up as a small web development server for myself and a friend.

    Other than that, happy holidays and a happy new year to everyone!
  2. chipsafts

    chipsafts New Member

    I wonder if it is the Fedora's firewall.
    Check out the messages log file.
    There may also be SELinux issues, as well as the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files.
  3. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    When you try to access your server from outside your LAN, you must use the external public IP-address or the domain name, which is pointing to that public IP-address.

    Maybe it is a better idea to forward port 22 (SSH) instead of port 23 to your server (Telnet) as SSH is more secure. You can use a client like Putty to access your server via SSH.

    Can you publish the output of the command: netstat -tap ?
  4. mudder-board

    mudder-board New Member

    It sounds like you did a lot right. Being that you can access the server by ip brings up another question. Did you register your domain? Whats the domain?
  5. mudder-board

    mudder-board New Member

    It sounds like you did a lot right. Being that you can access the server by ip brings up another question. Did you register your domain? Whats the domain? I didn't see any mention of bind, did you install that as well?
  6. mudder-board

    mudder-board New Member

    as terrorist loom around the globe, information shared should be taken into account, howtoforge are you looking into this?
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    How do you mean that? :confused:

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