Trouble logging into SquirrelMail for the first time

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by gr33d, Jan 29, 2010.

  1. gr33d

    gr33d New Member

    Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier, MySQL And SquirrelMail (Ubuntu 9.04) - Page 5

    I'm stuck at the section where I login to SquirrelMail with [email protected] and password--no luck. I tried using phpMyAdmin to reset the password of [email protected] using the ENCRYPT function to no avail. I was logged in as mail_admin--I think I named the database user/owner the same.

    tail /var/log/mail.log shows this each time I fail the login:
    Jan 28 22:53:33 mail imapd: Connection, ip=[::1]
    Jan 28 22:53:33 mail imapd: LOGIN FAILED, [email protected], ip
    Jan 28 22:53:38 mail imapd: LOGOUT, ip=[::1], rcvd=80, sent=323

    I can see my first mailx message in /home/vmail/domain.tld/mail_admin/new/

    in the 6 postfix config files created, should the password be that of the database user mail_admin
    or the postfix user [email protected]?

    Any ideas what I may have missed?

    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2010
  2. gr33d

    gr33d New Member

    blank screen after login to squirrelmail (webmail.php)

    I found a slight inaccuracy in /usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/change_sqlpass/config.php on the line

    $password_update_queries = array('UPDATE users SET password = %4 WHERE email = "%1"');

    I didn't have the ); at the end of the line. the line looked like

    $password_update_queries = array('UPDATE users SET password = %4 WHERE email = "%1"', maybe I didn't copy and paste correctly.

    Now, I simply see a blank screen when I login to webmail.php. I think squirrelmail was sending my browser to redirect.php or maybe it was still login.php before when it was denying my login.

    Any ideas? Thanks!

    here is my iptables -L output. I tried with all 3 chains -P ACCEPT and that didn't work either.

    Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
    target prot opt source destination
    ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
    ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere
    ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ssh
    ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:www

    Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
    target prot opt source destination

    Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
    target prot opt source destination
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you post your /usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/change_sqlpass/config.php? I guess you have a PHP syntax error in there.
  4. gr33d

    gr33d New Member

    i only replaced my password with "mail_admin_password" in the $csp_dsn variable below:

       // Global Variables, don't touch these unless you want to break the plugin
       global $csp_dsn, $password_update_queries, $lookup_password_query,
              $force_change_password_check_query, $password_encryption,
              $csp_salt_query, $csp_salt_static, $csp_secure_port,
              $csp_non_standard_http_port, $csp_delimiter, $csp_debug,
              $min_password_length, $max_password_length, $include_digit_in_password
              $include_uppercase_letter_in_password, $include_lowercase_letter_in_pa
       $csp_dsn = 'mysql://mail_admin:mail_admin_password@localhost/mail';
       $lookup_password_query = 'SELECT count(*) FROM users WHERE username = "%1" AN
    D password = %4';
       $password_update_queries = array(
                'UPDATE users SET password = %4 WHERE email = "%1"');
       $force_change_password_check_query = '';
       $password_encryption = 'MYSQLENCRYPT';
       $csp_salt_static = 'LEFT(password, 2)';
       $csp_secure_port = 0;
       //$csp_non_standard_http_port = 8080;
       $csp_non_standard_http_port = 0;
       $min_password_length = 6;
       $max_password_length = 0;
       $include_digit_in_password = 0;
       $include_uppercase_letter_in_password = 0;
       $include_lowercase_letter_in_password = 0;
       $include_nonalphanumeric_in_password = 0;
       //$csp_delimiter = '|';
       $csp_delimiter = '@';
       $csp_debug = 0;
    i installed the squirrelmail debugger plugin and when i login now, i receive:

    Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in /usr/share/squirrelmail/functions/global.php on line 429
    Stack Trace:
    line 429
        line 409
            line 250
                sqsession_register("", "sq_base_url")
                line 350
                    line 35
    My browser information:
      Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
    My web server information:
      PHP Version 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.5
      PHP Extensions (List)
        * 0 = zip
        * 1 = xmlwriter
        * 2 = libxml
        * 3 = xml
        * 4 = wddx
        * 5 = tokenizer
        * 6 = sysvshm
        * 7 = sysvsem
        * 8 = sysvmsg
        * 9 = session
        * 10 = SimpleXML
        * 11 = sockets
        * 12 = soap
        * 13 = SPL
        * 14 = shmop
        * 15 = standard
        * 16 = Reflection
        * 17 = posix
        * 18 = mime_magic
        * 19 = mbstring
        * 20 = json
        * 21 = iconv
        * 22 = hash
        * 23 = gettext
        * 24 = ftp
        * 25 = filter
        * 26 = exif
        * 27 = dom
        * 28 = dba
        * 29 = date
        * 30 = ctype
        * 31 = calendar
        * 32 = bz2
        * 33 = bcmath
        * 34 = zlib
        * 35 = pcre
        * 36 = openssl
        * 37 = xmlreader
        * 38 = apache2handler
        * 39 = gd
        * 40 = mcrypt
        * 41 = mysql
        * 42 = mysqli
        * 43 = PDO
        * 44 = pdo_mysql
    SquirrelMail-specific information:
      Version:  1.4.15
      Plugins (List)
        * 0 = compatibility
        * 1 = change_sqlpass
        * 2 = debugger
    My IMAP server information:
      Server type:  courier
      Server info:  * OK [HIDDEN] IMAP4rev1 UIDPLUS CHILDREN NAMESPACE THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES SORT QUOTA IDLE ACL ACL2=UNION STARTTLS] Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2008 Double Precision, Inc.  See COPYING for distribution information.
    i dont know much php, but i thought maybe the session was still active from one of the "blank" logins and waited 25 minutes to login again. same results.
  5. gr33d

    gr33d New Member

    bump? any PHP assistance?

  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Does the password contain any special characters that need to be escaped? Apart from that, the file looks ok, there don't seem to be any syntax errors.
  7. gr33d

    gr33d New Member

    Nope--alphanumeric. I think I'm going to become a subscriber at this point. I don't have any 64-bit hardware available, but I spotted a debian lenny image for a virtual user/domain setup I think ill give a whirl on i386. These aren't vmware images only right? I can drop them on a fresh hard drive?

    Thanks for the help. Please let me know if you ever find a solution to my problem!
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    These images run under VMware only. It might be possible to convert them so that they can be used on a physical system, but I can't tell if this really works.
  9. woodbot

    woodbot New Member

    I have the exact same symptoms

    Hi -

    I configured my Fedora Core 12 installation by following the excellent howto at

    So I am using postfix with mysql as the authentication.

    I have tried the following:

    * switching the compatibility plugin. The howto suggests using version 2.0.15-1.0. There is a newer version, 2.0.16, which can be found at:

    This did not seem to make a difference.

    On the plus side, I am so much better at debugging php that I was this morning.

    Speaking of which, can anyone tell me why I can't seem to produce a php log file? I have tried everything...I am a good debugger but it's kinda hard feeling around in the dark!

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