Trouble setting up ISPConfig on Debian Etch

Discussion in 'General' started by runemaste, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. runemaste

    runemaste New Member

    Hey guys,

    Im new to ISPConfig, and I think it has to be the best server config panel ive ever used. However, im having problems getting bits to work, so I have lumped them all in here, sorry if this is the wrong forum for them :(.

    1. Emails only by domain... what about if i use subdomains? I have given a friend a subdomain of the form (for example, obviously :p), but he always gets [email protected] emails... is it possible for him to get [email protected] emails?
    2. Email.... The problem is below... Ive tried everything I can think of :(

    The following message to <[email protected]> was undeliverable.
    The reason for the problem:
    5.1.0 - Unknown address error 550-'sorry, mail to that recipient is not accepted (#5.7.1)'
    Subject: No Subject
    From: Brendan <[email protected]>
    To: <[email protected]>
    Date: Fri 28/11/08 1:03 PM
    3. When someone creates a support ticket, does a notification email get sent? If so, where to?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) Create a new website for the subdomain.
    2) Please post the exact errors from the mail log file.
    3) If I remember correctly, there is no email notification.
  3. runemaste

    runemaste New Member

    From what I understand, if I set it up so my TLD is in the domain box, and his subdomain bit is in the hostname box he will get addresses from my domain.... ie hisname@mytld

    Sorry, that error before was the wrong one. The MX record on that domain isnt pointed to the right server.

    The following message to <[email protected]> was undeliverable.
    The reason for the problem:
    5.1.0 - Unknown address error 554-'5.7.1 <[email protected]>: Relay access denied'
    Subject: No Subject
    From: Brendan <[email protected]>
    To: <[email protected]>
    Date: Tue 02/12/08 9:56 AM
    Gives an error in the log file of the exact same:

    Dec  1 23:26:25 servezone postfix/smtpd[18133]: connect from[]
    Dec  1 23:26:26 servezone postfix/smtpd[18133]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 554 5.7.1 <xxxxx@serv>: Relay access denied; from=<[email protected]> to=<[email protected]> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
    Dec  1 23:26:31 servezone postfix/smtpd[18133]: disconnect from[]
    Before you ask,

    mydestination =,,,,
    Bother. That would have been a good feature. :( Oh well.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    No, he wont get emails for hisname@mytld.

    2) Please enable SMTP Authentication in the email client if you want to sent emails to external domains trough your mail server.
  5. runemaste

    runemaste New Member

    This is soo confusing. Ive set it up as you said, web works, but in the User & Email page it has a box then @ my tld...

    That was me trying to send an email from an external server to one of the ones its supposed to be set up to host through my mailserver... :S
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Just try it and you will see that it works as I told you.

    Then you missed to add the domain as co-domain with empty hostname field in ispconfig.

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