Trouble with access to server settings, access, myphpadmin

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by steveomach3ww, Feb 11, 2006.

  1. steveomach3ww

    steveomach3ww New Member

    Hello all out there, i am a newbie to linux. I have just taken over as the Computer Network and Systems Administrator for the place that i work and the person there before me was into linux big time and i am just getting started with it. Now here is my problem, i have installed fd4 and ISPConfig and it is up and running but it doesn't show any of the pictures in the boxes also i cannot get any access to the server settings, server access under managment also when i click on the myphpadmin in the tools menu it doesn't load right there are lines through the menue options at the top and it wont let me go to any of the databases. Any help will be very greatfull. Thank You
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. steveomach3ww

    steveomach3ww New Member

    Got It

    Thank You very much that worked like a charme, now just have to work out all of my dns issues lol. More reading on the way. Thank You again.

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