Tutorial Requests

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by TheFuzzy0ne, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. TheFuzzy0ne

    TheFuzzy0ne New Member


    I'm having a few problems with my new ISPConfig installation. Chances are it's because of my lack of knowledge when it comes to server environments.

    I can't stop my servers' domain name from resolving /apache2-default/ (The page that says "It works!"). A tutorial for noobs like me would be great.

    By using my servers' domain name, I can view the contents of my home directory. I would like to know how to stop this from happening.

    I've added a client account, and a Web site, but these domain names only resolve the /apache2-default/. I'm not sure why this is, as it was working nicely in my previous installs.

    I would really like to see a tutorial that takes you through everything you need to know to get your first client up and running, which can be links to a combination of individual tutorials:
    • The ISPConfig installation procedure (which exists already).
    • Installing suPHP (which exists already)
    • Creating the first client, Web site, and getting the specified domain name to resolve their Web site.

    All of the above are separate tutorials, but it would be nice to have them all available via links from a single page. Perhaps this would be a good start to a help manual? This documentation exists for ISPConfig 2, but doesn't seem to exist for ISPConfig 3. I would like to write a guide/book on ISPConfig 3, but I am not in the position to do so, as I don't know enough about it. I love the interface, it's simple and clean, but at the current time, too many assumptions need to be made. For example, I have no idea what the difference it between adding a new DNS Zone (SOA), and adding a new domain/subdomain, is.

    Also, I'm not sure how you want to structure the wiki, as it only seems to cover ISPConfig 2 at the present time, and it would be unwise to mix both ISPConfig 2 and ISPConfig 3 together. Are you going to run a separate wiki for each?

    Thanks in advance.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's in Vhosts_ispconfig.conf, and what's the output of

    For ISPConfig 2, we have this guide:

    Maybe this is what you're looking for?
  3. TheFuzzy0ne

    TheFuzzy0ne New Member

    Hi, falko.

    Sorry, you misunderstand me. I was not requesting support, but rather pointing out some of the problems I had, and what tutorials I felt might help others in the same position. The apache2-default page was showing because my Web site had suPHP enabled, but it wasn't installed. Since installing suPHP, the site works as expected, and the apache2-default page is now unavailable.

    Thanks for the reply.

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