Hey all, I am trying out my ability to put together a tutorial. I am using bluefish as my html editor. I have noticed that when I write something that the html editor doesn't recognize within <>, it doesn't show up when I open it up in firefox. I write something like this: Code: <p>Place the following lines just above the "</virtualhost>" line in the configuration file.</p> And this is what I see when open the file in firefox to see how it looks: Code: Place the following lines just above the "" line in the configuration file. Will it show up once it uploads to HowToForge? Or am I missing something? Thanks Heeter
Hi Heeter, Many thanks you are taking your time to contribute in the howtoforge forum tutorials. I use bluegriffon for writing such tutorials in Ubuntu 14.04. Link is http://bluegriffon.org/
HTML Reserved/Special Characters Greater Than ">" and Less Than "<" are considered Reserved or Special characters in HTML. Try: > for greater than and < for less than Reference: http://www.utexas.edu/learn/html/spchar.html