hi there. several people hosted on my domain, have complained that the emails I sent to them where delivered into their spam folders... because my spamassassin filtered them out, as I am on a dial-up connection. Now I would like to change the value, that specific test gives, i.e. isntead of giving these messages i.e. a spamscore of 3 it should only give 1 or, even better, change it so it does not check where the mail came from, but where it went through, something like this excerpt I found somewhere on the net: any ideas? I have checked a lot of SAs cfg files, but am not sure where exactly this test is performed or better, where it is triggered or configured....
I think it should go into the user_prefs file in the users' homedirs. You might also want to do this as it lowers the spam score for authenticated users: Code: postconf -e 'smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header = yes' /etc/init.d/postfix restart