latest version of ISPconfig on Centos When using 2fact for a user nothing happens. Nothing in the maillog but also nothing in de user table in sql. otp_data, otp_recovery, otp_attempts stay empty any idees?
looks like t is doing something (but not sending ) Code: [ispcmail] => ispcmail Object ( [html_part:ispcmail:private] => [text_part:ispcmail:private] => [headers:ispcmail:private] => Array ( [MIME-Version] => 1.0 [User-Agent] => ISPConfig/3 (Mailer Class) ) [_logged_in:ispcmail:private] => [_smtp_conn:ispcmail:private] => [_crlf:ispcmail:private] => [attach_type:ispcmail:private] => application/octet-stream [attachments:ispcmail:private] => Array ( ) [mime_boundary:ispcmail:private] => ==Multipart_Boundary_xe5165b5316b84c75fcd186bfc8f1fbf3x [body:ispcmail:private] => Your One time login code is 674006 This code is valid for 10 minutes. [_mail_sender:ispcmail:private] => [email protected] [_sent_mails:ispcmail:private] => 0 [user_agent:ispcmail:private] => ISPConfig/3 (Mailer Class) [mail_charset:ispcmail:private] => UTF-8 [use_smtp:ispcmail:private] => [smtp_helo:ispcmail:private] => [smtp_host:ispcmail:private] => [smtp_port:ispcmail:private] => [smtp_user:ispcmail:private] => [smtp_pass:ispcmail:private] => [smtp_crypt:ispcmail:private] => [smtp_max_mails:ispcmail:private] => 20 [sign_email:ispcmail:private] => [sign_key:ispcmail:private] => [sign_key_pass:ispcmail:private] => [sign_cert:ispcmail:private] => [sign_bundle:ispcmail:private] => [_is_signed:ispcmail:private] => [notification:ispcmail:private] => ) )
You can try to change the sending mode under System > Interface> Main config. By default, it uses PHP mail() function, if I remember correctly. Try to set it to smtp so that it sends directly with smtp.
I am having the same issue with the 2fa code for admin, is not sending any email. Wordpress is sending pass recovery emails is just 2fa that is not working. Could you post an smtp config maybe I am doing something wrong. Thanks
Have you checked ISPConfig Panel | Monitor tab | System-Log ? Perhaps also Data Log history. If that does not help, how was this ISPConfig installed? Did you manually change e-mail configuration?
Hi Teleman, I have no erros in mail.log, system-log etc. I have used the automated script installation.
I did, I put the smtp settings in the System > Interface> Main config. That`s why I asked for a smtp sample setting, maybe I am doing something wrong