Typo3 and ISPConfig

Discussion in 'General' started by linuxuser1, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. linuxuser1

    linuxuser1 New Member

    Hi all,

    I am trying out Typo3 on a debian server with ISPConfig and lost as to how to make the Typo3 works. In the example I read on Typo3 docs, it says the Typo3 docs should be extracted into apache/htdocs but all my web files are in /var/www/nameofwebsite.

    Do I need to create a web site using ISPConfig and unzip the Typo3 to the web folder for Typo3 or do I need to just create a folder in /var/www/typo3 and unzip the file there.

    What I want is to be able to access the Typo3 web site by say localhost/typo3 or www.mytypo3.com ?

    Helps will be appreciated.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You create a normal web site using ISPConfig, and then you install Typo3 in the /var/www/<nameofwebsite>/web folder.
    If you want Typo3 to use ImageMagick, then you have to turn off PHP Safe Mode for that web site.
  3. linuxuser1

    linuxuser1 New Member

    Thanks for your quick response.

    But how do I do this. Is it from ISPConfig or where. Sorry this may be a stupid question but still relatively new to Linux and just trying to find my feet.

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    How do do what? Install Typo3? Just as the Typo3 documentation says. After ISPConfig has created the web site and the folders, you can forget about ISPConfig and concentrate totally on Typo3.
  5. linuxuser1

    linuxuser1 New Member

    Thanks falko what i mean is I "do turn off PHP Safe Mode for that web site" because it is requirement to use ImageMagick.

    Many Thanks.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can turn off PHP Safe Mode in ISPConfig for each web site. There's a checkbox for it.
  7. jaffaizal

    jaffaizal New Member

    Integration with TYPO3

    Falko, my check with the "Vhosts_ispconfig.conf" shows the following:


    ServerName www.mileswork.com:80
    ServerAdmin [email protected]
    DocumentRoot /home/www/web12/web
    ServerAlias mileswork.com


    1. So, do I follow what you said or do I install typo3 in the above "DocumentRoot"?
    2. Why is the "DocumentRoot" at "/home/www/web12/web" and not "/home/www/mileswork/web"?
    3. How can we ensure that it is pointing to "/home/www/mileswork/web" during registration of client/site in ISPconfig?
    4. Would it be easier if I was to install typo3 1st then install ISPconfig?

    Installation on SUSE Pro 9.3

    Thanks for your help
    Jaf Faizal
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats equal. Please see 2)

    /home/www/mileswork.com/web is a symlink to the directory /home/www/web12/web for easier system configuration.

    ISPConfig creates the foölders and symlinks for you automaticall. But its /home/www/mileswork.com/web or /home/www/www.mileswork.com/web and not /home/www/mileswork/web.

    No, you cant install Typo3 in an non existant directory. The directorys where created by ISPConfig when you create a website.
  9. jaffaizal

    jaffaizal New Member

    Till, therefore, I install typo3 into /home/www/web12/web ?

    Jaf Faizal
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, that's right.

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