Hi I have checked into svn the changes I have made to my ispconfig to install TYPO3 automaticly. It contains of 2 changes to the database, an extra field to isp_server that holds the directory for the TYPO3 sources, and a table isp_isp_web_package that holds the data that is sent from the web part of ispconfig to the root scripts. I have added a TYPO3 dir and some files to /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/tools/tools/ and a template file to /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/templates/ In the /root/ispconfig/scripts/ dir i have added a few lines to writeconf.php and a function to lib/config.lib.php to make the actual TYPO3 install. The source files and TYPO3 db dump that I use are available for download from http://www.mit-inter.net/index.php?id=19 you just unpack it from the root so the files are placed in /usr/share/TYPO3/. I have a lot of experience programming with php, mysql etc, but not with ISPconfig, so feel free to come with improvement suggestions. Best regards Allan jacobsen
Hmm... I have never even heard of this CMS. Why did you pick this over others? Also, since it seems like you have already done the legwork for the actual and have a working version. How easy would it be to modify this script and make it adaptable to other installations?
I don't want to start a flame war but if you know TYPO3 every other open source CMS is just not good enough. Just here in Denmark(5 mill. people) there are 50-100 consultants making a healthy living of making TYPO3 websites, but it does have a steep learning curve, so people either love it or hate it..... I think it would be reasonably easy to adapt to other systems, I had a short(1/2 hour) look at joomla, and I think I could make an package installer for that in 1 day, but it would be easier if you a familiar with the other system, so if you know xoops well, I think it would be very easy to adapt, I deliberatly renamed the args in the database table to arg1-arg8 instead of the TYPO3 specific names.