Ubu Perfect Server with Webmin install

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by WayneW, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. WayneW

    WayneW New Member

    New to all things linux, so any input would be great.

    I'm setting up a server at my job and have choosen Gutsy Gibbon. I found your tutorial on the perfect server setup, and it went flawlessly, danke that :)

    My question is, can i install Webmin for an administrative panel, or is that perticular setup suited for ISPConfig?

    What changes might i best make to use Webmin?

    Thanx in advance
  2. WayneW

    WayneW New Member

    I didnt think this was that tough of a question. Guess i'll use ISPConfig, or a different distro and Webmin
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  4. WayneW

    WayneW New Member

    perhaps i wasn't clear in my wording. I have yet to install either of the 2 control panels. I just finished up the "Perfect Server" setup without installing ISPConfig or Webmin. My question is not whether they can run side by side, but if Webmin can be run INSTEAD of ISPConfig.

    I have looked at webmin, and it seems for my purposes, that it would be a better choice. But i dont know if the rest of the "Perfect Server" setup is for an ISPConfig specifically, or if webmin will run just fine.
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Sure, no problem. :)

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